6 Blog Formats That Keep Your Readers Engaged
Recent trends suggest that inbound marketing is still the winning marketing strategy. And the role of blogging is unmistakable in this context. According to the recent marketing statistics, businesses who blogged 10+ times per month end up engaging 4.5 times as many potential customers as those that just used traditional tactics.
But, the question is do all your readers go through your blog word-by word? Absolutely not . Many of them just skim read it. Now the question is what’s that one thing that keeps your readers’ engaged? Is that always a good topic that’s being highly talked about? Well, it’s true to a certain level, but not always. Rather, most of the time it’s the blog that resonates with the audience’s feeling that gets the maximum engagement and the perfect format has to play a key role in this.
Here are 6 blog formats that are most likely to keep your readers’ engaged and bring in more engagements.
1. How-to Post
This is undoubtedly the most prevalent method for B2B bloggers to present their information. This makes sense considering that they excel in two areas that inbound marketers place a high value on:
They are ideal for the educational content that serves as the core of inbound marketing initiatives. Search engines bring in traffic from those looking for how-to information online.
A how-to piece is a good method to share knowledge with your readers that they can put into practice. This style of blog article is usually in the form of a numbered list. These postings usually follow the format “X Steps to Doing Something,” where “X” is a number larger than one.
2. The Why- Post
A “why” post might draw attention to a current trend, new tool, or general principle. The “why” portion is primarily an introduction, but it answers “why” to emphasize the significance of the subject.
Because it answers all of those “Why?” inquiries, the “Why?” post is also an excellent contender for Google’s featured snippets.
3. The ‘What’ Article
The “what” post is ideal for introducing a new concept to your audience and explaining its relevance. Those looking for a full explanation of the subject’s significance might utilize it to obtain the answer to the question “what is…”.
When developing the format of a “What” blog article, keep in mind that you, not your reader, are the subject-matter expert. Here are some ideas for breaking down the issue for your reader:
Don’t use specialized terminology. Don’t use analogies unless you’re certain your audience will understand what’s being compared. Write in a concise manner.
You might also submit your work to Google to be considered for a highlighted snippet. Google may choose a part of well-structured content that uses effective keywords to display as a featured snippet in response to a search query.
4. List Posting
Another popular blog post format is the listicle, which is a mix of the words “list” and “article.” It’s possible that it’s the most popular format right now.
Why? In a nutshell, it’s a winning formula. By presenting many reasons, secrets, types, or ways to perform something, a list article delivers value to the reader. Titles with numbers denote list-style articles (either to list steps or things).
5. Recommended Post/The Recommendation
A curated post is a compilation of links to information on a specific topic.
Is that it? It frequently is, but there is a cost in terms of time spent researching. Blog readers like the simplicity of accessing all the information they need in a single post rather than wasting time exploring the web. Articles are curated items that compile information, such as statistics or case studies. Associating oneself with acknowledged figures in your profession might help you acquire credibility with your audience.
If another blogger contacts you to thank you for connecting to their blog, take advantage of the opportunity to express your feelings. This post is fantastic for establishing yourself as a go-to resource and developing relationships with others.
6. Infographics
Because of the quantity of information (especially data or statistics) they can convey about their products and services, infographics have surged in popularity among business-to-business (B2B) marketers.
It’s insane to devote time and effort to produce an infographic for a blog post. However, the possibility of broad social sharing and backlinks justifies the effort.
Keep in mind that a change in blog style will not result in an increase in readership or more sign-ups. Before settling on a blog style, identify your target audience to assist you tailor your content to the most relevant terms.
Check your metrics to see which of these seven posts has been the most popular before deciding on the theme of your next blog post.
The Final Takeaway
Formatting your blog helps brands work wonders to connect with your audience and resonating to their preference. Knowing what to create and what format to employ can assist you in developing a deep bond with your reader. It will also help your piece get traction, engage your readers, and keep them returning- thus making your marketing efforts successful.