Are You using the Right CRM Platform?
Most businesses narrow their focus on pouring money into advertising and marketing. But the CRM system gets little to no priority to help the business skyrocket.
That’s a big problem.
CRM system is a business’s growth partner that binds all the monotonous work in an automated thread. So, why is it failing to show results for so many businesses? Does your CRM system align with your business outlook?
In order to understand what’s wrong with your CRM software, you must know what its purpose for your business is.
What Should Your CRM Platform Provide To Your Business?
CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a technology that allows businesses to know more about their target audiences better. The unity of strategies, practices, and technologies brings invaluable data to improve customer relationships with the business.
But when it fails to improve the customer relationship, the sales drop significantly.
Here are 4 indications that your business is still wasting time and money on the wrong CRM platform.
1. Your CRM Is not Designed To Drive Sales
If you are looking for one CRM system that will solve all your business requirements, it can be a big mistake.
Have you invested in a system that is built to drive sales? Your CRM system should include elements to enrich the sales dept, not double their tasks.
Did you find your sales team providing different messages to the same user or have no idea where to begin with? Then you have a BIG problem, mate!
A good CRM provides salespeople with both implicit and explicit data. It helps to build the strategy to strike when the hot deals are knocking at your door.
But when your CRM system fails to drive sales, you know that there is some big gap that requires inspection.
2. Your Sales Team is Not Using the CRM Platform.
Using CRM system is vital for your business escalation.
You have selected the best CRM for your business- based on the list of requirements. Now the CRM system is rolling out, and all the employees are learning about it.
But your sales team refuses to use it.
Most times, a CRM system is not designed to cater to sales reps’ needs. Companies must find a CRM system that can solve specific problems and not generic ones.
During the buying process of a CRM, approval from the sales team is a must. Can they close more deals using CRM? If not, the system fails to be beneficial for the sales team.
Reasons your CRM system is failing:
● Complex
● Inefficient
● The long and steep learning curve
● Tedious setup or transitional process
● Doesn’t come with the right training manual and process for the sales team
Your sales team is one of the main pillars of your business success; if the CRM system can’t ease its sales process, it is failing.
3. CRM Platform Makes Selling Process Difficult For Salespeople
Of course! Your salespeople want to invest most of the time to close deals and take orders. It means more revenue for your business and fat commission for the salespeople.
But what does it mean? Your salespeople are building relationships with active buyers- those who are willing to buy. However, having the wrong CRM can disrupt the process.
Are your salespeople closing more deals or overwhelmed with busy work? They shouldn’t be forced to complete long to-do lists that keep them away from valuable prospects.
If you want to stay from revenue leakage, things must change. When your sales reps close fewer deals, they earn fewer commissions.
Above all, the salespeople have the order to do all tedious tasks using the CRM. They can’t sell more and maintain all the busy work via CRMs. Either they can keep the leaders happy by doing the administrative tasks or close more sales to keep their jobs.
It is inevitable they are going to choose closing sales and bring revenue for your business. If the table turn, your business will fall flat.
4. Your Business Is Not Using Right Type of CRM Platform
You have invested in a CRM platform, but it is not showing the right results. You know the design is right, and the sales team is well capable of using the CRM platform. So, is the CRM system at its fault?
There must be some other issue: you might be using the wrong type of CRM for your business goals.
There are at least 4 types of CRM systems that you must know about.
● Analytical — CRM that collects data and visualizes the insights gained from the collected data. Looking to gain in-depth insights into customer behavior? Then, your go-to CRM type is analytical.
● Operational — Through operational CRM, your sales team can collect customer data. Using the data, you have made effective changes inside your business. When your aim is to retain customers and drive revenue, your business needs operational CRM. It brings service automation, sales, and marketing as offerings to your business.
● Collaborative — Data sharing becomes smooth among multiple departments of your organization with a collaborative CRM system. This CRM can work only when the internal politics and turf wars are at bay or at minimum.
● Campaign management — This CRM is a combination of operational and analytical CRM. By utilizing the collected data, it can manage large-scale marketing campaigns and sales. When you have clear, well-documented processes- only then must you invest in campaign management CRM. Otherwise, it can be a disaster.
But which one will be suitable for your business?
Here are a few factors that you must assess:
- Culture
- The industry
- Your business model
- The type of your sales team
- Sales strengths of your sales team
- Employees number in your company
- Lack or presence of documented processes and/or workflows
If you ignore feedback from stakeholders and end-users, you will choose the wrong CRM. You must have a clear idea of the business goals, objectives, and current circumstances to select the right CRM. It means you have accurately measured success by having the right KPIs and metrics.
Wrapping Up
We already know that 90% of businesses are not witnessing a boost in sales, growth, or revenue- with CRM platforms. But if you have invested lots of your time and revenue into the CRM platform- you must see the result. Isn’t it?
So, are you seeing a better return since the investment in your current CRM platform?
Your CRM is a strategic system to produce more customers and hence sales growth. While choosing the CRM platform, your focus must go on end-users and stakeholders. Can the CRM platform drive sales and growth for your stakeholders and end-users?
When you choose the right CRM platform, your business growth is inevitable.